which one place in the world would you love to travel to and why?
2005-12-14 07:03:07 UTC
which one place in the world would you love to travel to and why?
Six answers:
2005-12-14 07:04:46 UTC
The Caribbean. Warm weather and nice beaches.
2005-12-14 07:06:28 UTC
The one place I would love to travel to is HOLLYWOOD. I would like to travel to hollywood because my dream in life is to become an successful actress, and I would love to see where celebrities do their movies, and I would just love to be in the presents of successful actresses and actors
2005-12-14 11:22:21 UTC
Peru to climb the mountain up to Macchu Picchu, kayak through rivers and trek through the jungles to discover ancient ruins. And perhaps discover an indigenous tribe.
2005-12-14 07:06:17 UTC
Cayman Islands or Fiji. Why? Because I'm a diver and because thats my idea of paradise.....I have already crossed Hawaii off my list :)
2005-12-15 10:57:13 UTC

Give me any ticket to any place on earth, and I will pick Ethiopia. Why.......culture, beautiful women, history, tropical, relaxing, very close to nature....I mean everything.

I have Ethiopia, Egypt and Jamaica, but Ehtiopia would be my pick
2005-12-14 07:20:31 UTC
brisborne. always wanted to go there.

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