What's the best way to ensure a great road trip?
Ask Mike
2007-12-17 08:01:47 UTC
Have you taken great road trips? What did you do that made them so memorable?
25 answers:
2007-12-18 09:13:49 UTC
An excellent co-pilot. Who can fix your snack, and is totally in tune, with the Tunes. (Music is a biggie)

..A decent map, and a steadfast belief in "No expectations"

Because the moment ya start scripting the road trip, down to the mili-mile, it takes away all the magic.

The most memorable moments i've experienced while logging literally 3 million miles in our lower 48 States, have been, at off the wall, unplanned locations.

The tiny Church bazaar in Nowhere Montana. The story from that wonderful Nun in a Royal blue habit, in the Middle of Amish Territory.

Going from Denver to Vegas at Christmas time. It was 60 degree's in the Rockies, and snowing in Death Valley.

You cant plan for this kind of stuff.

Now, if i can just take that trip from Seattle thru the Al-Can, before i die, THAT will be road trip, heaven. =)
Jay Dub
2007-12-17 08:18:34 UTC
I'm a big-time traveler. Both domestically and abroad. I think the most important factors in ANY type of traveling is A) Packing light and B) Being well organized.

I've taken 3 week road trips before. Since you naturally spend most of your time on a road trip in your car, you want to make sure the area IN the car is organized and you have a place to store cool food and drinks, ie. cigarette lighter powered cooler.

I highly recommend getting a rooftop luggage carrier. It keeps the interior of the car free of luggage, and allows room for things like the cooler and other driving necessities.

Have a game plan for every day that's flexible not rigid. You may find a neat attraction that you want to spend a whole day at, or you may go to an attraction you have zero interest in and want to leave right away. Let you itineray be a rough draft and be flexible to change.

Also plan some "wildcard" days where you can spend an extra day if you want. If you don't end up using them . . . just go home earlier so you can decompress for a few days at home after the trip.

Hope this helps.
miss mia
2007-12-20 04:27:55 UTC
I have become quite the fan of Yahoo Answers, and get a bit of a kick when I come across a question that I can give an informed answer, (it's my grandma side).

This question is quite nostalgic for me, as it was an article similar to this that was my first published. I won't give you the whole article but there are a few points that I think you might appreciate.

First is PLANNING- have some idea of where you want to go, and an idea of accommodation. If you are not keen on the idea of an RV get a map of motels you want to stay in and book them, vacancies are few and far between this time of year.

Make a list of things you want to see and do, so you are not stuck for entertainment ideas.

Give your travel plans and a rough time guide to someone at home, so if anything happens the people you love will have some idea of where you are.

Don't drive drunk or fatigued

Always take enough for food and gas.


Happy Holidays Everyone

Fo Sho!
2007-12-19 07:32:45 UTC
Hi Mike,

I have taken plenty of road trips. Most in my own state, and three others across country. I think its such a fun and adventurous way to travel!

The way my husband and I make our trips so memorable is to expect the unexpected, don't sweat the small stuff, and we don't put a time or schedule on anything.

We always have our digital camera and video camera with us to quickly capture moments. We also make sure to find a souvenir, or something memorable from each place we visit. I love to look at an item in my home and be reminded of our trips!

Now I want to plan a road trip! :)

Take care.
2007-12-19 04:38:51 UTC
I have taken a few really cool road trips. One time I remember just me and the kids were travelling around the country. I was supposed to meet up with the rest of my family in Niagara Falls. But, I was in the far western corner of Virginia at the time. The same time, in fact, as Hurricane Isabelle came blowing through.

The next morning I went to take the Shenandoah trail up, but it was blocked from all the downed trees. No one was out, and it was really raining and stuff. I didn't know what to do and was a little frantic. The kids were all loud, bored and frustrated.

So I'm sitting in the car in front of a road block when a ranger came up to the car. I was lost, and clearly shouldn't have been here.

He knocks on my window, "Ma'am?" As I roll it down he probably saw the crazed look in my eye, and the sound of the kids yelling and stuff must have almost knocked him over.

"Is everything okay?" he asks.

"Oh, yes. Fine. Everything is fine." I reply, trying to keep my composure.

"Where're you headed to, Ma'am?" he asks, concerned.

"Uh, I'm trying to get to Niagara Falls! Is this the right way?" I ask.


He thought I was absolutely out of my mind! (I was like eleven hours away from NF!)

"Ma'am....why don't you follow me..." he says as he's walking away shaking his head! LOL

I followed him back to the highway.

SO, I think the best thing you can have for a great roadtrip is a MAP! (or GPS) LOL!
2007-12-17 08:12:49 UTC
Yes, I have taken a few road trips with my family and also my husband's family. I think the best way to have fun is to expect anything! Realize that there may be arguments along the way but in the end, we're all in it to have fun. Pack extra food, and drinks and if you run out, stop on the side for a bit to grab a bite to eat. Perhaps everyone can take turns driving so everyone gets their fair share of responsibilities. If you're renting a car, split the rental fee amongst everyone. And if you're taking your own car, then split the cost of gas.

Most importantly, have fun!
2016-04-10 01:42:23 UTC
More important than what route is the amount of gear you will need to take. I see the pic of your bike...Make sure you have a LARGE windshield and the biggest bags u can find. Also, dont forget a full body rainsuit. Most likely you will need it. How many miles in a day have you ridden before? Is your body up to 400 miles a day physically? bring plenty of beef jerky. 4oz package slips nice between the shield and the guages...Just a few thoughts based on life experience...Good Luck and enjoy! My thoughts if time is not a factor...Avoid the interstate like the plague... Go see America. buy an atlas and make the entire trip via state highways!
2007-12-17 18:13:08 UTC
For a great trip, planning is the most important thing, but being flexible is the second. Your plans might not go planned.

Schedule enough stops, and enough time. Don't try to pack two weeks worth of things into one week. Include some variety, staying at motel, in cabin, maybe campground. Stop early enough to enjoy the pool and other amenities.

If traveling with teens, take videos and TV, plus portable video games, and laptop. Choose stops that have wireless access.
Red Man
2007-12-17 16:52:50 UTC
I think there are four easy steps to having a very enjoyable and trouble free road trip. First, have your vehicle checked out by a competent professional to be sure that it is in good running order. This step includes being sure all the fluid levels are up to recommended levels. Be sure your tires, belts and hoses are in good condition, and always start out with a full tank of gas. Second, do all the necessary homework on your trip and be sure that you have adequate directions to and from your primary destinations, where to find good restaurants and motel/hotel facilities along the way, locate road side rest stops, and gas stations at reasonable intervals throughout your trip. Third, be sure to carry sufficient cash and credit cards to pay necessary expenses. Lastly, make yourself aware of points of interest such as local sights, natural wonders and major side trips that you expect to encounter on your road adventure. Get a good night's sleep before you depart and always provide lots of rest stops, food and bathroom breaks to make your road trip a truly memorable and fun experience for everyone in your party.
2007-12-17 12:44:44 UTC
Somewhat 10 years back I traveled on a road trip with three of my closest friends. Thats the first thing, make sure you big a good bunch of friends with you (but not to many, don't want it to be TOO crounded.)

Also make sure you got some cash. At one point We were really low on cash and were in some serious trouble...luckily things were sorted!

It was memorable because...we had fun. Traveled together, stopped of at a few great places. Good times...
2007-12-18 19:22:36 UTC
oh my gee! hi ask mike!!!! Oky doky here we goooo

Being with family an friends (of coarse)

Seeing all kinds of statues and buildings

Singing John jacob Jingle Hymer shmit and I know a song that gets on everybodys nerve untill my mom had a nervious braikdown

Sleeping in the back back seat of our mini van but secretly reading my big sisters diary

throwing dry cheerios at my dads head when he was driving.

Playing 20 questions with my brother when I secretly didnt have an object so he would just guess and guess for ever.

Saying "are we there yet, Are we there yet, are we there yet" every 3 and a half minutes.

Telling my parents i need to go to the bathroom when we just got on the express way

fighting with my siblings in the car

spilling my juice in the back seat

watching sponge bob in the back seat on my dads lap top

(you get the point)
2007-12-18 05:59:11 UTC
WE PLANNED AHEAD abit and played it by ear for some of it and had a blast no matter what the weather or situation was like.....ROAD TRIP!!!!!!! Find travel planning tools (maps), tips ravel tips from Truck drivers via a band radio & info for your next road trip. We traveled 9,000miles from Texas up into Canada towards Alaska back down along the Pacific coast HWY and then Back over to Texas.....On just 2,000 Dollars a motorcycle and a tent!!
2007-12-17 13:18:33 UTC
HI Well for a great road trip make sure you have everything you need for the trip..As in GAS, MONEY, EXTRA CLOTHING--( Just in case ),Food,Drink Snacks And Certain places to go to eat or somewhere to stay for the night, Which are VERY RELIABLE fOR THE TRIP Cause I Took MANY TRIPS FROM/IN MY LIFE!!! So, I KNOW From personal previous road trips I Have taking!!! BYE PEACE, TOM From New Jersey Near Atlantic City (10)miles Away!!!
2007-12-17 08:56:14 UTC
1. Get maps ahead of departure.

2. Schedule stops at least every 1 1/2-2 hours.

3. Eat light(easy on the carbs) so you don't get drowsy. Usually best to bring along some healthy CRUNCHY snacks like carrots or celery. NO SODA POP(the sugar will help to make you drowsy).

4. Put a damp wash cloth in a plastic baggie to perk up drowsy, dry eyes.

5. Carry a bottle of water beside you

6. For longer trips, PLAN on staying the spending the night someplace and make reservations well in advance.
2007-12-17 10:26:28 UTC
hello Mike..I hope you are fine...I am chrisa from Greece.Well, i have taken a lot of road trips as a little child with my family..Now, i am 23 years old and i confess that the road trips are my favourite things to do in my spare time...short or long trips,any of these you choose,you must know that a good company and the appropriate equipment are the best things to have with you....

Wherever you go,remember to smile in any circumstances you may be under......

This is my advice for you a big SMILE and go for your great road trip.....

have a nice time............
2007-12-17 18:41:18 UTC
The greatest road trip I've had was when my cousins and I were planning to have our vacation by driving from Colorado State to NY State. It was when we were still in college.

We spent a week on the road before we finally got there. Choosing a good hotel, a good restaurant or even a good public restroom was always fun because there were so many options we had to choose and other times there was no option at all that we had to sweat our hands off, afraid that we might get lost in the middle of the night or we were out of gas. Couldn't believe that there are many cities around the country that only have population less than 1 or 2 thousands people.

What also made it so memorable was none of us had ever done it before. Our guidances were a map we bought a local store before we left and people whom we randomly picked as sources to asked for direction or asked for good places to stay. Most people we met greeted us nicely and gave us a lot of helpful information.

So many small interesting things we learned (since it was our first out of state trip), starting from giving a certain sign to truck drivers on the highway was mostly well responded by them by honking their huge horn, or I personally found out when we were driving out of state and pulled over by a cop then they could only be able to give us ticket without any points recorded. It was kinda funny too when we were in east coast states and passing cars that were also from our state (by looking at their license plates), we usually honked or waved at each other.

After we got back from NY, we decided to continue our trip to head for Washington State. It was a lot of fun and also tiresome. We slept more than 12 hours straight after we finally got home.
2007-12-17 17:49:55 UTC
Road trips with a lot of scenery help get rid of boredom. there's also chips and food in the back in case someone gets hungry. Occasional fun games help too.
In God We Trust
2007-12-17 10:44:25 UTC
One must save his/her money and inquire of everyone that can give their advice. There are many websites that will give appropriate assistance on this. What's great about all of this? Folk that you wouldn't even consider, actually know about the discounts and the like that you seek. The secret is in asking and you truly will "find" what answers you require. I wish you well.
2007-12-17 08:12:02 UTC
well seeing that im only 17 and ive been on a selectible road trips

depends do you have a family?

if so bring lots of money


stop and rest ever few miles

and put on some music or keep talking to them

alone or with partner?

bring music u both enjoy



stop and swicth driving

take a few breaks every 2 hrs

2007-12-17 09:20:33 UTC
Full cooler, full baggie, food and friends...what more could you need...o and designate a driver for on the way to and on the way from make sure the designated driver is relieved of his/her duties and designate another driver so that the person who drove one way is not having to miss out on the return trip
2007-12-19 11:52:46 UTC
yes i went cross country once....

the places we stayed were great.... all beautiful camp sites.

We also were in a big car so we had alot of space. We had many games and alot of food. And we talked. It was a great family bonding time
Death follows us all
2007-12-19 06:11:11 UTC
being a truck driver i would have to say get you car checked out make sure you got good tires and two hand fulls of big bills and go some where you wants to go i meant to say go where you wife wants to go and don't make her to mad
Karate Kid
2007-12-17 11:08:43 UTC
Radio Disney...LOUD!
2007-12-18 01:55:35 UTC
2007-12-17 11:04:14 UTC
just prepare all you need to bring.........

and just be cool........

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.