I have taken a few really cool road trips. One time I remember just me and the kids were travelling around the country. I was supposed to meet up with the rest of my family in Niagara Falls. But, I was in the far western corner of Virginia at the time. The same time, in fact, as Hurricane Isabelle came blowing through.
The next morning I went to take the Shenandoah trail up, but it was blocked from all the downed trees. No one was out, and it was really raining and stuff. I didn't know what to do and was a little frantic. The kids were all loud, bored and frustrated.
So I'm sitting in the car in front of a road block when a ranger came up to the car. I was lost, and clearly shouldn't have been here.
He knocks on my window, "Ma'am?" As I roll it down he probably saw the crazed look in my eye, and the sound of the kids yelling and stuff must have almost knocked him over.
"Is everything okay?" he asks.
"Oh, yes. Fine. Everything is fine." I reply, trying to keep my composure.
"Where're you headed to, Ma'am?" he asks, concerned.
"Uh, I'm trying to get to Niagara Falls! Is this the right way?" I ask.
He thought I was absolutely out of my mind! (I was like eleven hours away from NF!)
"Ma'am....why don't you follow me..." he says as he's walking away shaking his head! LOL
I followed him back to the highway.
SO, I think the best thing you can have for a great roadtrip is a MAP! (or GPS) LOL!