Which do you like better: Going somewhere fun for the Holidays or going with family?
2005-12-19 12:48:51 UTC
Me? I'll state my answer after I find out other people's. PLEASE JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWER!
Four answers:
2005-12-19 12:54:48 UTC
put your hands together. Nothing is better than going somewhere fun w/ your family
Oh Great Swammi
2005-12-20 04:48:33 UTC
If you can't go to see your relatives during the holidays, which I think should come first,then go to the Moutains and ski or something fun. I have not had the option to go to my parents for CHristmas and see my sisters and thier families now for several year, I think family is always first, they arent even comparable, it's like saying would you rather have a new pair of shoes or spend a few moments making memories with your mother. really no comparison in my book.
2005-12-19 20:55:42 UTC
Are you talking about your family, as in your wife/husband & kids, or do you mean your parents, aunts & uncles etc.,?? Because unless its your wife/husband & kids it probably wouldn't be to much fun, unless your burnt out on spending time with your family, then by all means go somewhere fun for the Holidays!!!!!
James D
2005-12-19 20:52:02 UTC
Both my wife and I live far from our families, so we don't often get to visit them. So we would probably choose the family--especially since both sides are pretty mellow and fun folks.

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