What has been your favorite place you visited and why?
2005-12-18 12:37:44 UTC
The why part is important. I like justification.
Four answers:
2005-12-18 13:52:49 UTC
Many favorites (not in order):

1)Utah salt flats - because it feels like you're on another planet.

2)Tokyo - sensation overload at every turn.

3)Nepal - friendly people, relaxed environment, beautiful scenary. Also some great extreme sports (same applies to Switzerland).

4)Siem Reap, Cambodia - all the temples are amazing.

2005-12-18 20:43:23 UTC
Munich, Germany was my favorite place I ever visited. It was my first transatlantic experience and Munich is a great town. Everyone, no matter the age, race, religion, or personal interest, I have ever spoken with about visiting there said they enjoyed it as well . The city has a good vibe about it that is almost impossible to explain. It's an older city with good restaurants and historical sites and tons of good places for some tastey German beer. The shopping is very good as well.
2005-12-18 20:49:49 UTC
Most recently it has been Vancouver BC, Canada because it was such a beautiful city surrounded by water with gorgeous tree lined streets that were immaculate. Visiting the Granville Market was totally aw some, I have never seen such a huge selection of so great a variety. See my pictures at the link below.
2005-12-18 20:46:04 UTC
New York City. Fun, exciting, never any dull moments. There is literally something for everyone. The shopping is amazing, especially if you know where to go. It has gotten so much safer and friendlier over the past years. It is completely kid-friendly.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.