How High does the price of gas need to get before you would get angry?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How High does the price of gas need to get before you would get angry?
31 answers:
2008-01-10 12:04:36 UTC
it's there already. I think the gas prices are ridiculous
2008-01-03 07:16:49 UTC
Most of us are already angry. I have received emails through the years stating a date that everyone across the country should not buy gas. The idea being that a day of a nationwide protest would put a hurting on the oil companies and force prices down. It isn't such a bad idea but I doubt many people actually did it, at least not enough to have much impact. Together people can make a difference, even a small difference. It would be interesting to see what would happen, if anything, if the majority of people came together on this simple idea idea
2008-01-03 07:14:14 UTC
I am angry and get more so every time I think about how we can be so liberal and give this country that and someone else who knows what then suffer at home. There is no shortage, We have untapped resources....this is more of the rich get richer and between the oil companies, our administration, and the pharmaceuticals we are being sold out down the line. Just pitiful.....our forefathers would be aghast! I am afraid at the moment there is no immediate solution because of the powers to be. I am willing to listen to some ideas though, shoot.
2008-01-03 07:12:22 UTC
I don't get angry at gas prices, there is nothign I can do about it, so there is no point. That is the theory, in any case.

What I can't help but get pissed off about is the bald-faced lies passed around by the oil companies. They say that it is not them rasing the price, they are merely passing the cost from the oil producing countires. But then they report the LARGEST PROFIT IN HISTORY, the most money made by any company, in any field, ever, in the history of money!

The only thing we can do to stop/slow the trend is to stop consuming. Conserving by driving less, or better fuel-efficiency, won't help. Then, the companies will just increase the prices to make up for lost volume. We have to find some totally independent source of fuel, so that we can tell the oil companies to go shove it, and they will no that we can make it stick. What that alternative is is open to debate.
2008-01-03 07:12:16 UTC
It made me mad a long time ago.

If you want to change the price you are paying to drive your car then help lobby to get alternative fuel research done. We should be backing people doing work like this:
2008-01-03 07:11:37 UTC
In Australia we could petition our government to reduce the taxes imposed on petrol (gas) fuel in general. I feel the motoring bodies we belong to could represent our interests strongly and persistently to the government to get relief for consumers. As to how far before I get angry... We passed that stage about 4 to 5 years ago. I have not heard anyone local (meaning Australian) going Oh Great! I am so happy with the fuel charges. The cost of fuel then causes a flow on effect to all goods and products, farm produce and everything. It has been the single most invidious increase that has caused a rise in prices all round in my opinion.


2008-01-03 07:09:12 UTC
If gas was 1 cent and it went up to 2 cents, I would be angry. I hate anything that you have to pay more for.
2008-01-03 07:08:49 UTC
I'm angry already
la buena bruja
2008-01-03 07:08:29 UTC
I'm already angry.
Nathan M
2008-01-03 07:12:54 UTC
Gasoline, one of the main products refined from crude oil, accounts for just about 17 percent of the energy consumed in the United States. The primary use for gasoline is in automobiles and light trucks. Gasoline also fuels boats, recreational vehicles, and various farm and other equipment. While gasoline is produced year-round, extra volumes are made in time for the summer driving season. Gasoline is delivered from oil refineries mainly through pipelines to a massive distribution chain serving 168,987 retail gasoline stations throughout the United States.1 There are three main grades of gasoline: regular, mid-grade, and premium. Each grade has a different octane level. Price levels vary by grade, but the price differential between grades is generally constant.

What Do We Pay For in a Gallon of Regular Grade?

A gasoline pump divided into segments of what we pay for in a gallon of gasoline at the pump. The pump on the left is for year 2004: 12% goes for distribution & marketing; 18% goes for refining costs & profits; 23% is for Federal & State taxes; and 47% is for the crude oil, itself. The gasoline pump on the right for 2005 shows 9% for distribution & marketing; 19% for refining costs & profits; 19% for Federal & State taxes; and 53% for the cost of crude oil, itself.

What are the components of the retail price of gasoline?

The cost to produce and deliver gasoline to consumers includes the cost of crude oil to refiners, refinery processing costs, marketing and distribution costs, and finally the retail station costs and taxes. The prices paid by consumers at the pump reflect these costs, as well as the profits (and sometimes losses) of refiners, marketers, distributors, and retail station owners.

In 2005 the price of crude oil averaged $50.23 per barrel, and crude oil accounted for about 53 percent of the cost of a gallon of regular grade gasoline (Figure 1). In comparison, the average price for crude oil in 2004 was $36.98 per barrel, and it composed 47 percent of the cost of a gallon of regular gasoline. The share of the retail price of regular grade gasoline that crude oil costs represent varies somewhat over time and among regions.

Federal, State, and local taxes are a large component of the retail price of gasoline. Taxes (not including county and local taxes) account for approximately 19 percent of the cost of a gallon of gasoline. Within this national average, Federal excise taxes are 18.4 cents per gallon and State excise taxes average about 21 cents per gallon.2 Also, eleven States levy additional State sales and other taxes, some of which are applied to the Federal and State excise taxes. Additional local county and city taxes can have a significant impact on the price of gasoline. Refining costs and profits comprise about 19 percent of the retail price of gasoline. This component varies from region to region due to the different formulations required in different parts of the country.

Distribution, marketing and retail dealer costs and profits combined make up 9 percent of the cost of a gallon of gasoline. From the refinery, most gasoline is shipped first by pipeline to terminals near consuming areas, then loaded into trucks for delivery to individual stations. Some retail outlets are owned and operated by refiners, while others are independent businesses that purchase gasoline for resale to the public. The price on the pump reflects both the retailer’s purchase cost for the product and the other costs of operating the service station. It also reflects local market conditions and factors, such as the desirability of the location and the marketing strategy of the owner.

Factors Behind the Increase in Gasoline Prices in 2005

Since the beginning of 2005, U.S. retail gasoline prices have been generaly increasing, with the average price of regular gasoline rising from $1.78 per gallon on January 3 to as high as $3.07 per gallon on September 5, as Hurricane Katrina further tightened gasoline supplies. But the hurricane is only one factor, albeit a dramatic one, which has caused gasoline prices to rise in 2005.

A major factor influencing gasoline prices in 2005 was the increase in crude oil prices. The price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil, which started the year at about $42 per barrel, reached $70 per barrel in early September. Crude oil prices rose throughout 2004 and 2005, as global oil demand increased dramatically, stretching capacity along the entire oil market system, from crude oil production to transportation (tankers and pipelines) to refinery capacity, nearly to its limits. With minimal spare capacity in the face of the potential for significant supply disruptions from numerous sources, oil prices were high throughout 2005.

In addition, Hurricane Katrina had a devastating impact on U.S. gasoline markets, initially taking out more than 25 percent of U.S. crude oil production and 10-15 percent of U.S. refinery capacity. On top of that, major oil pipelines that feed the Midwest and the East Coast from the Gulf of Mexico area were shut down or forced to operate at reduced rates for a significant period. With such a large drop in supply, prices spiked dramatically. Because two pipelines that carry gasoline were down initially, some stations actually ran out of gasoline temporarily. However, once the pipelines were restored to full capacity and some of the refineries were restarted, retail prices began to fall. Increased gasoline imports in the fall of 2005, in part stemming from the International Energy Agency’s emergency release, also added downward pressure to gasoline prices. However, retail prices are likely to remain elevated as long as some refineries remain shut down and the U.S. gasoline market continues to stretch supplies to their limit.

Why do gasoline prices fluctuate?

Even when crude oil prices are stable, gasoline prices normally fluctuate due to factors such as seasonality and local retail station competition. Additionally, gasoline prices can change rapidly due to crude oil supply disruptions stemming from world events, or domestic problems such as refinery or pipeline outages.

Seasonality in the demand for gasoline - When crude oil prices are stable, retail gasoline prices tend to gradually rise before and during the summer, when people drive more, and fall in the winter. Good weather and vacations cause U.S. summer gasoline demand to average about 5 percent higher than during the rest of the year. If crude oil prices remain unchanged, gasoline prices would typically increase by 10-20 cents from January to the summer.

Changes in the cost of crude oil - Events in crude oil markets were a major factor in all but one of the five run-ups in gasoline prices between 1992 and 1997, according to the National Petroleum Council’s study, U.S. Petroleum Supply - Inventory Dynamics. About 47 barrels of gasoline are produced from every 100 barrels of crude oil processed at U. S. refineries, with other refined products making up the remainder.

Crude oil prices are determined by worldwide supply and demand, with significant influence by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Since it was organized in 1960, OPEC has tried to keep world oil prices at its target level by setting an upper production limit on its members. OPEC has the potential to influence oil prices worldwide because its members possess such a great portion of the world’s oil supply, accounting for about 40 percent of the world’s production of crude oil and holding more than two-thirds of the world’s estimated crude oil reserves. Additionally, increased demand for gasoline and other refined products in the United States and the rest of the world is also exerting upward pressure on crude oil prices.

Rapid gasoline price increases have occurred in response to crude oil shortages caused by, for example, the Arab oil embargo in 1973, the Iranian revolution in 1978, the Iran/Iraq war in 1980, and the Persian Gulf conflict in 1990. Gasoline price increases in recent years have been due in part to OPEC crude oil production cuts, turmoil in key oil producing countries, and problems with petroleum infrastructure (e.g., refineries and pipelines) within the United States. Additionally, increased demand for gasoline and other petroleum products in the United States and the rest of the world is also exerting upward pressure on prices.

Product supply/demand imbalances - If demand rises quickly or supply declines unexpectedly due to refinery production problems or lagging imports, gasoline inventories (stocks) may decline rapidly. When stocks are low and falling, some wholesalers become concerned that supplies may not be adequate over the short term and bid higher for available product. Such imbalances have occurred when a region has changed from one fuel type to another (e.g., to cleaner-burning gasoline) as refiners and marketers adjust to the new product. Gasoline may be less expensive in one summer when supplies are plentiful vs. another summer when they are not. These are normal price fluctuations, experienced in all commodity markets. However, prices of basic energy (gasoline, electricity, natural gas, heating oil) are generally more volatile than prices of other commodities. One reason is that consumers are limited in their ability to substitute between fuels when the price for gasoline, for example, fluctuates. So, while consumers can substitute readily between food products when relative prices shift, most do not have that option in fueling their vehicles.

Why do gasoline prices differ according to region?

Although price levels vary over time, Energy Information Administration (EIA) data indicate that average retail gasoline prices tend to typically be higher in certain States or regions than in others (Figure 2). Aside from taxes, there are other factors that contribute to regional and even local differences in gasoline prices:

Proximity of supply - Areas farthest from the Gulf Coast (the source of nearly half of the gasoline produced in the United States and, thus, a major supplier to the rest of the country), tend to have higher prices. The proximity of refineries to crude oil supplies can even be a factor, as well as shipping costs (pipeline or waterborne) from refinery to market.

Supply disruptions - Any event which slows or stops production of gasoline for a short time, such as planned or unplanned refinery maintenance, can prompt bidding for available supplies. If the transportation system cannot support the flow of surplus supplies from one region to another, prices will remain comparatively high.

Competition in the local market - Competitive differences can be substantial between a locality with only one or a few gasoline suppliers versus one with a large number of competitors in close proximity. Con-sumers in remote locations may face a trade-off between higher local prices and the inconvenience of driving some distance to a lower- priced alternative.

Environmental programs - Some areas of the country are required to use special gasolines. Environmental programs, aimed at reducing carbon monoxide, smog, and air toxics, include the Federal and/or State-required oxygenated, reformulated, and low-volatility (evaporates more slowly) gasolines. Other environmental programs put restrictions on transportation and storage. The reformulated gasolines required in some urban areas and in California cost more to produce than conventional gasoline served elsewhere, increasing the price paid at the pump.

Why are California gasoline prices higher and more variable than others?

The State of California operates its own reformulated gasoline program with more stringent requirements than Federally-mandated clean gasolines. In addition to the higher cost of cleaner fuel, there is a combined State and local sales and use tax of 7.25 percent on top of an 18.4 cent-per-gallon Federal excise tax and an 18.0 cent-per-gallon State excise tax. Refinery margins have also been higher due in large part to price volatility in the region.

California prices are more variable than others because there are relatively few supply sources of its unique blend of gasoline outside the State. California refineries need to be running near their fullest capabilities in order to meet the State’s fuel demands. If more than one of its refineries experiences operating difficulties at the same time, California’s gasoline supply may become very tight and the prices soar. Supplies could be obtained from some Gulf Coast and foreign refineries; however, California’s substantial distance from those refineries is such that any unusual increase in demand or reduction in supply results in a large price response in the market before relief supplies can be delivered. The farther away the necessary relief supplies are, the higher and longer the price spike will be.

California was one of the first States to ban the gasoline additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) after it was detected in ground water. Ethanol, a non-petroleum product usually made from corn, is being used in place of MTBE. Gasoline without MTBE is more expensive to produce and requires refineries to change the way they produce and distribute gasoline. Some supply dislocations and price surges occurred in the summer of 2003 as the State moved away from MTBE. Similar problems have also occurred in past fuel transitions.

Due to the threat of groundwater contamination, the use of the gasoline additive MTBE has been in the process of being phased-out for several years. More than half of the States have already banned the use of MTBE; the heaviest use of MTBE is currently in Texas and the Northeast, exclusive of New York and Connecticut. In 2005, a number of petroleum companies announced their intent to stop using MTBE in their gasoline in 2006. This was due to perceived potential for increased liability exposure due to the elimination of the oxygen content requirement for reformulated gasoline (RFG) included in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Most of these companies will instead blend in ethanol to help replace the octane and clean-burning properties of MTBE. The rapid switch from MTBE to ethanol could have several impacts on the market that serve to increase the potential for supply disruptions and subsequent price volatility on a local basis. California faced temporary supply dislocations and price volatility during the summer of 2003 as MTBE was removed from gasoline in the State. Nevertheless, New York and Connecticut had a relatively smooth transition phasing out MTBE in 2004 as a result of better preparation from the gasoline suppliers and distributors. The supply and distribution system must undergo a number of changes to switch from MTBE-blended RFG to ethanol blended RFG, including developing supply chains to move more ethanol into undersupplied areas, converting terminal tanks from petroleum to ethanol, and adding blending equipment at terminals. It is expected that reformulated gasoline areas on the East Coast, especially in the Mid-Atlantic, will experience the most trouble obtaining ethanol supplies in a timely fashion due to logistical challenges of getting ethanol to and from terminals further inland by rail car. The Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston areas may also experience some trouble getting ethanol to major terminals due to limited rail access.

Operating costs - Even stations located adjacent to each other have different traffic patterns, rents, and sources of supply that influence retail price.
2008-01-03 07:11:34 UTC
I'm already very angry, especially considering that I also have to pay for home heating oil in my area, which is even HIGHER ($3.79/gal) than gasoline right now. I don't know how regular people are supposed to be able to afford this. You can minimize your driving to some extent, but how am I supposed to minimize my home heating? I already have it set to 60 degrees F, and with kids in the house, don't want to go lower. What can consumers do? We need to drive at least some, usually to get to work, so we can't exactly stop buying gas. I would welcome anyone's good ideas on this matter.
2008-01-03 07:20:49 UTC
We are very spoilt in this country...we pay less than alot of other countries around the world.....we also drive huge vehicles compared to other consumers we need to learn to many times are you passed on the highway and you are already going the speed limit or inexcess of pooling????...i live next to South Dakota which is fighting to keep Canada from running a pipeline thru their state...Canda could provide us with enough crude for if i'm right here 400 years...oh ya i have a pipeline running through my what point do we change...i also have wind turbines within 5 miles of my home...but alot of the electricity is run into the ground because they don't have the electric lines capable of moving all the current....
2008-01-03 07:09:57 UTC
Nothing you can do will keep the costs at what they used to be because the increased demand from India and China is outstripping the supply. Price rises for everyone until the demand = supply. Fundamental economics.

Being angry doesn't do anything. If you want to save money, stop using so much. The future is now.
2008-01-03 07:36:11 UTC
I have a 30 mile commute to work. The cost already sucks. But I have no choice. There is no city transportation. So I can complain all I want, but I still need to put gas in my car.
Cary C
2008-01-03 07:09:45 UTC
i'm already angry, but what can i do? not buy? i need to drive to work, no other means of transportion for me.

it is supply and demand, so if the demands goes done the price will go down. this will never happen cuz there r more cars on the road then ever
2008-01-03 07:12:42 UTC
i have been angry about gas prices for two years now

here i sit with a down sleeping bag over me with a kero heater in the basement so my pipes dont freeze. its 14 degrees outside and not much warmer in my house


home heating oil is 3.98 a gallon where i live and i can NOT afford to heat my home. its a joke what the oil companies get away with. makes me want to puke! keep kicking the working class and see what happens....UNITE ..GET MAD...DO SOMETHING....DONT JUST TURN YOUR BACK ON WHAT IS BEING DONE TO THE USA MIDDLE CLASS....SCREAM UNTIL THEY HEAR YOU AND DO SOMETHING

the gas will go down to 2.99 a gallon and like all kool-aid drinkers the masses will be grateful was under 2 dolllars not long ago....think!! be active!!! dont follow...LEAD
2008-01-03 07:11:43 UTC
Gas in the U.S is really not that high compared to a lot of other countries be happy, go to Europe where its 3.75-5.00$ a gallon. Move to the K.S.A and its something like 25 cents a gallon.
2008-01-03 07:09:12 UTC
I am already angry. All we have to do is to stop buying gas for a while and lower the demand. I know its hard, but I am willing to do it.
2008-01-03 07:09:10 UTC
Already angry, but theres really nothing I can do about it. I cant walk or bike anywhere instead because it is minus 15 degrees outside + windchill
2008-01-03 07:10:05 UTC
Its that high now. People that live close to home should ride a bike or walk to work or the store. Its a lot healthier and cheaper.
2008-01-03 07:08:43 UTC
I am already angry but unfortunately we can not do anything about it except purchase cars that are fuel efficient. Those are political games.
2008-01-03 07:09:29 UTC
i'm already angry about the price and have been for several years now. there is nothing to do about the cost. unless you have wealth, power, and privilage, you can do nothing about it. they dont outnumber us but they do make the rules.
2008-01-03 07:11:44 UTC
1 Dollar, its all crap, Ive heard from customers who work in oil fields whove said theres enough oil for our childrens children. we gota start look at alternatives, stop buying small things like plastic drink/water bottles, buy container to fill and reuse, walk or ride or use public transport, dont use plastic bags

CJ: LOL i live close to home LOL
2008-01-03 07:09:29 UTC
well basicly,when it is 50 or 60 dollars it stops and u still need to fill up more,u are either gonna pay 40 more dollars,or leave and get pissed off about it.
Butterfly Goddess
2008-01-03 07:09:24 UTC
It is about $2.75 here

Once it gets to $2.99 and above

I will be angry. Not like that will do anything
2008-01-03 07:08:19 UTC
well im already angry for having it at liek 1,10$/L but yeah, if it ever goes to 2$/L im going to freak out!!!!
2008-01-10 08:03:13 UTC
I'm already angry.
2008-01-03 07:09:51 UTC
i think we all need to convert to electricity. they are taking the piss. ot's the russian mafia they have all the gas these days.
2008-01-03 07:09:20 UTC
Gas should be free.

or we should provided with uni-cycles!
2008-01-03 07:08:29 UTC
ride bikes
Amber J
2008-01-03 07:08:02 UTC
it already is

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